Sarah Boone

Banner of Sarah Boone Sarah Boone was convicted of murdering her boyfriend, Jorge Torres Jr., who died after he was left in a suitcase overnight.

Sarah Boone sits in court during a hearing
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Sarah Boone smiles in court
side by side of man anchor interviewing 2 lawyers
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lawyer being interviewed
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three photos: Frank Bankowitz, Winston Hobson and Patricia Cashman
Judge in courtroom with man on screen
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sarah boone and handwritten paper
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Sarah Boone sits in court
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Sarah Boone is led out of court
Sarah Boone
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Sarah Boone sits in court
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split screen of Sarah Boone and Jorge Torres Jr
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lawyer and woman defendant
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Sarah Boone's ninth lawyer, James Owens, joins Court TV.
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woman defendent in court
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Sarah Boone smiles in court
Sarah Boone sits in court
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Photo of Dan Markel and his kids
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Sarah Boone smiles as she leaves court
The back of a female defendant's head as she sits in court.
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woman sits in court
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Sarah Boone close up in court
Sarah Boone speaks to the judge in court
Sarah Boone walks into cfourt
Sarah Boone sits in court
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woman in court
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Man anchor in blue shirt
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a woman holds a pen in handcuffs
Sarah Boone sits, handcuffed, in court
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Woman booking photo and man headshot
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