Karen Read

MA v. Karen Read - Killer or Cover-Up Murder Trial Karen Read is accused of killing her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe. Her attorney claims she's being framed by a corrupt investigation.

Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe's neighbors take the stand. Were Christopher and Julie Albert and O'Keefe friends or were they feuding neighbors?
Christopher Albert testifies in court
Jurors see video footage of Karen Read and John O'Keefe barhopping and the panel discuss their possible level of intoxication. Friends testified about Karen and John being affectionate and not seeing any evidence of problems in their relationship.
Karen Read
Surveillance video from a bar with spotlight on one man.
Surveillance video of people at a bar.
Julie with Read crime scene pics on the monitor.
Court TV asks when the people in the Albert home will eventually take the stand and testify, specifically Brian Albert, Jennifer McCabe and possibly Brian Higgins. John O'Keefe's body was found outside the Albert home when he died.
michael lank testifies
Sgt. Michael Lank's relationship with the Albert family comes into question as are the methods used in evidence collection at the scene of Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe's death.
Michael Lank testifies
Karen Read sits in court
Lt. Paul Gallagher testifies in court
David Yanetti speaks in court
Court TV discusses the connections in the community to the people in the Albert home and whether it's a conspiracy or merely an illusion because it is a small town. Also, the jury visits the crime scene and views Karen Read's SUV.
Paramedic testifies in Karen Read case.
Witness testifies in Karen Read trial.
House where John O'Keefe was found dead in front.
photo of Karen Read and John O'Keefe
vinnie politan stands in front of house
Does Karen Read sound or act like a murderer in the way she carries herself walking to the court and interacting with the media or at the scene of the crime?
First responders describe Karen Read's demeanor saying she was screaming and hysterical asking, 'Is that my boyfriend? Is he dead?'
dashcam exhibit in karen read trial
Prosecutors claim that Karen Read confessed to striking John O'Keefe with her car, however, the defense points out inconsistencies during cross examinations.
Court TV goes to Canton, Massachusetts, and retrace the steps of Karen Read and John O'Keefe and also question who Googled, 'Ho(w) long to die in cold?'
John O'Keefe's Brother testifies
The Court TV panel discuss how the Read family, William and Janet, and the O'Keefe family, John and Margaret, who have experienced family tragedies, are handling the trial thus far.
Court TV's Vinnie Politan goes to the scene where Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe was found under six inches of snow. Karen Read is accused of killing O'Keefe.
photo of a house covered in snow
split screen of attorneys