Closing Arguments

After the jury has seen and heard the factual evidence of the case, the parties are allowed to try to persuade them about its overall significance during the final arguments portion of the trial.

Close-up photo of a teenage boy.
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Handsome man who appears to be a news anchor speaks with great fervor.
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Jose Ibarra guilty
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Jose Ibarra
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Ibarra Arrest Footage
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Jose Ibarra
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Nathan Hochman
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Chloe Driver & Hannah
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Richard Allen Deliberations
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Richard Allen Court Sketch
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Farris Attorneys
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Farris Family
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Melody Farris
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Melody and Rusty
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Melody Farris
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Melody Farris
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Amanda & Melody
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Sarah Boone & Jorge Torres
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Menendez Brothers
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Leilani Simon’s defense attorney, Robert Perssee, delivers the closing arguments
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Jorge Torres bashes TV
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Sarah Boone in court
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Delphi Murders Bridge
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Sarah Boone trial
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Youngkin & Simon
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Rusty and Melody
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Leilani Simon
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Shawn Mickey Stines
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