WALTERBORO, S.C. (Court TV) — The once-prominent heir to a low country legal dynasty has been given two life sentences for the murders of his wife and youngest son. The sentence came one day after a jury convicted Alex Murdaugh of killing Maggie Murdaugh and Paul Murdaugh.
Disbarred attorney Murdaugh, 54, stood accused of fatally shooting 52-year-old Maggie Murdaugh and 22-year-old Paul Murdaugh on June 7, 2021. Their bodies were found near the dog kennels on the family’s 1,770-acre estate in Islandton.
Murdaugh initially claimed he was at his mother’s home at the time of the shooting, while authorities said blood splatter allegedly found on his clothing indicated that he, too, was at the dog kennels when his wife and son were killed.
Murdaugh called 911 at 10:07 p.m. to report finding Maggie and Paul deceased. His attorneys claimed their client checked the bodies for signs of life, which ultimately transferred blood onto his hands and clothes.
Over two days of testimony, Murdaugh admitted to lying about his whereabouts but insisted he did not kill his wife and youngest son. He testified he last saw Maggie and Paul alive at the kennels before returning to the house, laying down for a few minutes and then leaving to visit his mother.

Evidence shown in Alex Murdaugh’s trial for murder at the Colleton County Courthouse on Thursday, February 2, 2023. (Andrew J. Whitaker/The Post and Courier/Pool)
Prosecutors claimed Murdaugh murdered his wife and son to gain sympathy ahead of a “pending motion that threatened to expose years of substantial debts and illicit financial crimes,” reported The Associated Press.
In a shocking turn of events, Murdaugh was shot three months later while changing a tire on a rural road. Authorities quickly unraveled a murder-for-hire plot that would allow Murdaugh’s oldest son to receive a $10 million insurance payout. Curtis Edward Smith, the allegedly gunman and former client of Murdaugh, is accused of conspiring with Murdaugh. The duo was indicted for the alleged scheme in Nov. 2021.
RELATED: A timeline of events surrounding Alex Murdaugh’s charges
As of January 2023, Murdaugh faced 106 grand jury criminal charges, including murder, drugs, and financial fraud dating back to at least 2011. He is also named a defendant in three separate civil suits. He has been disbarred, and his assets frozen.
Court TV was selected as pool for the Alex Murdaugh trial and responsible for recording it, gavel-to-gavel.
DAY 27 – 3/3/23
- Alex Murdaugh is given two life sentences for the murders of Maggie Murdaugh and Paul Murdaugh
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh gets life in prison in murder of wife, son
DAY 26 – 3/2/23
- After less than three hours, the jury returned a guilty verdict on all charges.
- Attorney Jim Griffin delivers the defense’s closing argument
- Prosecutor John Meadors delivers the state’s rebuttal
- A juror is dismissed for misconduct after she reportedly spoke to outside parties about the case
DAY 25 – 3/1/23
- The jury visits the Moselle property
- Prosecutor Creighton Waters delivers his opening statement
- READ MORE: Prosecution wraps its case at Alex Murdaugh murder trial
- WATCH: Murdaugh Prosecution Closing Argument: Biggest Moments
- WATCH: Think Tank: How Did Alex Murdaugh Know the Time of Murders?
DAY 24 – 2/28/23
- The state concludes the presentation of the rebuttal witnesses.
- Prosecutors challenge the two-shooter theory.
- READ MORE: Last witnesses in Murdaugh case before jury sees crime scene
- Jurors visit Moselle’s property Wednesday.
DAY 23 – 2/27/23
- The defense concluded its presentation of evidence after 14 witnesses.
- Defense witness says there were two shooters present the night of the murders.
- John Marvin Murdaugh, brother of Alex Murdaugh testifies.
- Alex Murdaugh’s brother describes attempting to clean the crime scene.
- SLED Investigators told the Murdaugh family that Alex was wearing a shirt covered in blood and he wiped his face on his t-shirt.
- Jury to visit Moselle Wednesday.
- WATCH: Pathologist v. Pathologist: Dueling Testimonies
- WATCH: Big Trial in a Small Town: Vinnie Politan Walks Through Walterboro, SC
- WATCH: Tank Takes: Was Paul Murdaugh a Double Agent or The Little Detective?
- READ MORE: Defense at Murdaugh trial says 2 shooters; jury to see scene
DAY 22 – 2/24/23
- Alex Murdaugh faces a second day of cross-examination
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh Details Drug Use, Financial Theft On Cross
- WATCH: Prosecutor Questions Alex Murdaugh On Murders of Wife, Son
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh Details Finding Maggie, Paul On Cross
- WATCH: Murdaugh On Cross: “Everything about me not going to the kennel was a lie”
- WATCH: Murdaugh Completes Roughly 6 Hours of Testimony
- READ MORE: Prosecutor: Alex Murdaugh ‘fuzzy’ about new details of case
- WATCH: Murdaugh and Prosecutor Creighton Waters Went to Law School Together
- WATCH: 13th Jurors Weigh in on Murdaugh’s Testimony
DAY 21 – 2/23/23
- Defendant Alex Murdaugh takes the stand
- READ MORE: On stand, Alex Murdaugh denies killings but admits lying
- Defense attorney Jim Griffin confirms to Court TV that Alex Murdaugh will take the stand today.
DAY 20 – 2/22/23
- Richard Alexander Murdaugh could testify.
- Mark Ball, the defendant’s former law partner, found a portion of Paul Murdaugh’s skull in the feed room after the crime scene had been cleared.
- Witness says Maggie’s phone was already in the wooded area when Murdaugh drove to Almeda and back home.
- Barbara Ann Mixson, Elizabeth Murdaugh’s caretaker of 47 year, never saw blue tarp or rain jacket in living room of Almeda’s home after the murders.
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh partner talks crime scene problems and thefts
- WATCH: Did Alex Murdaugh Spend $50K a Week on Opioids?
DAY 19 – 2/21/23
- Alex Murdaugh’s eldest son, Buster Murdaugh, takes the stand for the defense
- WATCH: Buster Murdaugh Takes the Stand
- WATCH: Buster Murdaugh On Cross-Examination
- Buster says father was ‘destroyed’ by the fatal shooting of his wife and son
- WATCH: Murdaugh in the Middle: Buster’s Unique Position
- WATCH: Buster Didn’t Know His Dad’s Birthday: Strange or No Big Deal?
- Forensic engineers conclude it’s impossible for Murdaugh to fire the shots that killed Maggie and Paul due to his height.
- Acoustics testing reveals gunfire could not be heard inside the Moselle home; maybe outside.
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh’s surviving son takes stand at murder trial
DAY 18 – 2/17/23
- Prosecutors rest its case-in-chief Friday.
- The defense calls two witnesses – Colleton County Coroner and the former Public Information Officer for the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office
- The Colleton County Coroner estimates Maggie and Paul’s death around 9 pm.
- New GM Vehicle Data helps prosecutors establish a timeline of the murders.
- READ MORE: Murdaugh prosecutors reveal flurry of steps after killings
- WATCH: Was Alex Angry With Paul? 13th Jurors Weigh In
- WATCH: Does Maggie Say ‘Hey’ Or ‘Eddie’ In the Kennel Video?
- WATCH: Roadside Shooting: Was Murdaugh Really Trying to End His Life?
- WATCH: Murdaugh’s Pill Stash: Was Maggie Concerned Or Angry?
DAY 17 – 2/16/23
- Roadside evidence presented to the jury.
- Jury hears the suicide-for-hire confession.
- Murdaugh met with Curtis Eddie Smith about ending his life and gave Smith the weapon.
- Murdaugh paid up to $40k for drugs weekly.
- Forensics expert Dr. Kenneth Kinsey demonstrated the murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh
- WATCH: Forensics Expert Demonstrates Murdaugh Murders
- The bruise on Maggie’s leg was a tire impression; she was not run over.
- Paul was first shot inside the feed room, the second in the doorway of the feed room.
- The shooter was four to five feet away from Maggie Murdaugh
- READ MORE: Crime scene expert demonstrates Murdaugh killings
- WATCH: Court TV Exclusive: Inside Alex Murdaugh’s Holding Cell
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: One Shooter Or Two?
- WATCH: Think Tank Takes On Cousin Eddie, Harpootlian’s Antics, and Buster
DAY 16 – 2/15/23
- Judge Newman rules against the roadside evidence presented in the roadside incident;
- WATCH: Judge Rules Murdaugh Roadside Shooting Evidence Not Admissible
- Judge Newman later reverses his decision after the defense questioned a witness about Curtis “Cousin Eddie” Smith.
- Murdaugh’s third interview with police was shown to the jury.
- Lead investigator unaware Murdaugh’s t-shirt tested negative for blood until November 2022.
- Three shotguns missing from the Murdaughs’ gun collection.
- The replacement .300 Blackout Rifle went missing in December 2020
- READ MORE: Prosecution, defense get wins with Alex Murdaugh lead agent
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh: “I did not kill my baby”
- WATCH: Body Language Analysis of Murdaugh’s 3rd Police Interview
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh: Cheater or Killer?
DAY 15 – 2/14/23
- Pathologist Dr. Ellen Riemer concludes her testimony.
- Maggie Murdaugh’s sister, Marian Proctor, testifies.
- WATCH: Maggie Murdaugh’s Sister Delivers Bombshell Testimony
- Alex and Maggie were intent on clearing Paul’s name from the boat case.
- Maggie Murdaugh was aware of Alex’s drug addiction.
- Maggie’s sister’s perception of Alex changed after the roadside shooting in September.
- Murdaugh’s brother-in-law, Bart Proctor, identifies Alex’s voice in the video Paul recorded at the kennels.
- READ MORE: Murdaugh’s sister-in-law saw odd behavior after killings
- WATCH: Murdaugh Dog Kennel Caretaker Testifies
- WATCH: Analyzing Body Camera Footage of Alex Murdaugh
DAY 14 – 2/13/23
- Two jurors test positive for COVID; down to three alternate jurors.
- Presumptive test on Murdaugh’s t-shirt tested positive for blood; serology testing yielded negative results for blood.
- C.B. Rowe’s DNA was found under Maggie Murdaugh’s fingernails.
- Maggie and Paul’s manner of death ruled a homicide -death at the hands of another.
- General Motors provided additional data from Murdaugh’s Chevrolet Suburban.
- WATCH: Breaking Down Alex Murdaugh’s Body Language
- WATCH: Comparing Alex Murdaugh’s Two 911 Calls
- WATCH: Why Was Maggie Murdaugh’s Wedding Ring in the Car?
- WATCH: Murdaugh Exhibit: Court Releases Redacted Version of 2nd Police Interview
- READ MORE: Brutality detailed in Alex Murdaugh case; 2 jurors get COVID
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders Day 14: Will Alex Murdaugh Testify?
DAY 13 – 2/10/23
- Maggie Murdaugh revealed to the housekeeper that she was concerned about the lawsuit
- Housekeeper says Murdaugh wore 2XL clothing; blue rain jacket size Large
- Paul Murdaugh received threats via social media after the boat crash
- Maggie Murdaugh was shunned by people in Hampton
- No life insurance policies for Alex, Buster, Maggie, or Paul
- Moselle home not checked for blood or bloody clothing; no photos taken
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh’s Family Moved Back in Courtroom
- WATCH: Gloria Satterfield’s Sisters Discusses Nephew’s Testimony
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh’s Shoes: Before and After Murders
- WATCH: Alex Murdaugh’s Mother’s Nurse Testifies
- WATCH: Curtis Eddie Smith’s Attorney Talks to Court TV
- WATCH: Did Buster Murdaugh Flip the Bird?
- WATCH: What Was the “Blue Item?” Is Murdaugh a Family Man? 13th Jurors Weigh In
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Day 13 Highlights
- READ MORE: Housekeeper never saw Alex Murdaugh clothes after killings
DAY 12 – 2/9/23
- Attorney Mark Tinsley donated to Murdaugh’s family caretaker’s Go Fund Me account after testimony.
- Dylan Hightower’s cell phone extractions are missing information regarding communications between Murdaugh and other witnesses
- Chris Wilson, a close friend of Alex Murdaugh, became emotional as he recalled the night Maggie and Paul were killed
- The jury heard testimony from Tony Satterfield, the son of the late Murdaugh housekeeper Gloria Satterfield.
- WATCH: CEO of Alex Murdaugh’s Bank Testifies
- WATCH: Could Murdaugh Have Been a Functioning Opioid Addict?
- WATCH: People Alex Murdaugh Has Allegedly Betrayed
- READ MORE: Attorney: I trusted Alex Murdaugh despite odd fee payments
DAY 11 – 2/8/23
- Bomb threat halts proceedings just after noon Wednesday.
- The blue tarp found in Murdaugh’s mother’s closet was not tested for GSR.
- Murdaugh’s former paralegal recounts finding discrepancies in the Farris case and finding the stolen funds.
- Four witnesses identify Murdaugh’s voice on the kennel video
- Car data shows Murdaugh called 9-1-1 twice
- READ MORE: Paralegal angry by Alex Murdaugh theft, knew he loved family
- WATCH: How Alex Murdaugh Wielded His Power and Influence
- WATCH: SC v. Alex Murdaugh: Previewing Big Moments Still to Come
DAY 10 – 2/7/23
- Murdaugh’s debt trouble may have started in 2008 after failed financial deals.
- Murdaugh said, “he knew he was going to get caught,” when confronted about financial crimes at his former law firm by CFO & COO Jeannie Seckinger.
- Birdshot bullets found in the feed room left behind by crime scene investigators.
- Gunshot residue was found on Murdaugh’s t-shirt and shorts but not on his shoes.
- A significant amount of gunshot residue was found on the inside of the rain jacket found at Murdaugh’s mother’s home in Almeda, South Carolina.
- READ MORE: Jurors hear about blue rain jacket in Alex Murdaugh trial
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Day 10 Highlights
DAY 9 – 2/6/23
- Judge Newman ruled that Murdaugh’s financial crimes are admissible.
- Murdaugh allegedly told his mother’s caretaker to lie to investigators.
- No blood evidence found on a blue rain jacket.
- READ MORE: How the cases in Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial are shaping up
- WATCH: Murdaugh Hearing: Attorney for Mallory Beach’s Family Details Lawsuits
- WATCH: What Will Curtis “Eddie” Smith Say On the Stand?
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Day 9 Highlights
DAY 8 – 2/3/23
- No fingerprint or usable fingerprints were found on bullets, casings, or Paul’s cell phone.
- .300 Blackout casings and shells found around Maggie’s body and at the shooting range had matching mechanism marks and were consistent with having 47 grains and match the empty bullet box inside the home.
- Murdaugh’s camo Bonelli 12-Gauge Shotgun retrieved from the home tested inconclusive.
- Guns taken from the Moselle property did not match the casings found around the property or the crime scene.
- READ MORE: Maid’s son tells judge Alex Murdaugh took $4M for her death
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh’s crime saga timeline: Murder, fraud, death and betrayal
- WATCH: 13th Jurors’ Opinions on Murdaugh Motive and Two Shooter Theory
- WATCH: Did Alex Murdaugh Lie to Police? 13th Jurors Weigh In
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Week Two Highlights
DAY 7 – 2/2/23
- Judge rules prosecutors can call witnesses to testify to Alex Murdaugh’s financial crimes
- Two Snapchat employees testify, entering Paul Murdaugh’s video from the night of the murders into evidence.
- The State calls an employee of Murdaugh’s former law firm, Jeannie Seckinger, who is first questioned outside the presence of the jury
- Seckinger testified Alex was misappropriating funds, stealing money and eventually forced to resign
- Michael Gunn testifies about a bank account Murdaugh created to misappropriate funds belonging to others with the illusion that the money was being paid to a legitimate settlement company.
- Chris Wilson, one of Alex Murdaugh’s former best friends, testifies about how he was caught up in Alex’s web of lies and deceit. He says Alex admitted to stealing money from him, addicted to opioids for years and that he know longer knows how he feels about Alex.
- WATCH: Breaking Apart Alex Murdaugh’s Alibi
- READ MORE: Financial misdeeds allowed in Alex Murdaugh murder trial
DAY 6 – 2/1/23
- Two of Paul’s friends – Rogan and Will – identify Murdaugh’s voice in a video recorded at the dog kennels.
- Phone activity for all three phones was revealed, including FaceTime calls, text messages, social media, and camera activity.
- Paul’s video recording at the kennel and Snap Chat Video played in court.
- Alex, Maggie, and Paul’s cell phones were not recording biometrics at the same time on the night of the murders
- READ MORE: Both sides use trove of cell data at Alex Murdaugh trial
- WATCH: Vinnie Politan Visits Scene of Murdaugh Roadside Shooting
DAY 5 – 1/31/23
- The defense challenged Jeff Croft, SLED Senior Investigator, regarding whether Alex Murdaugh confessed during a second interview with police
- Alex Murdaugh was considered suspect on June 8, 2021
- Alex, Maggie, and Paul’s cell phone data admitted as evidence
- Murdaugh’s cousin, John Bedingfield, modified (3) AR Rifles for his sons, Paul and Buster
- Jury shown activity on Maggie’s phone after her presumed time of death
- READ MORE: Agent insists Alex Murdaugh suggested he killed his son
DAY 4 – 1/30/23
- Paul Murdaugh’s and several unidentified bloody footprints seen in the feed room
- Stippling on Maggie Murdaugh indicating she was shot a close range.
- Paul Murdaugh’s last phone calls and texts were revealed.
- Maggie Murdaugh’s cell phone found ¼ to ½ mile away.
- Alex Murdaugh left work early on the day of the murders.
- Alex Murdaugh says he heard a car pull up in between his nap and leaving to check on his mother.
- WATCH: ‘Closing Arguments’ is Live from the Low Country
- READ MORE: Through sobs, did Alex Murdaugh say he killed his son?
DAY 3- 1/27/23
- A Colleton County Detective secured multiple warrants to search the property
- Murdaugh’s first interview with a SLED Agent and Colleton County Detective revealed for the first time
- SLED Dive Teams searched the pond and a portion of the river to locate the murder weapons
- Jurors were shown evidence in the case, including Paul’s shoes, the seatbelt retrieved from Murdaugh’s SUV, and multiple fired and unfired bullets and casings.
- READ MORE: Hours after killings, Alex Murdaugh said he didn’t see wife
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders Trial: Day 3
DAY 2 – 1/26/23
- Jurors watched body camera videos of the first officers and fire personnel on the scene.
- 911 calls from Hampton County Dispatch and Colleton County Sheriff’s Office published
- Neither Maggie or Paul had defensive wound from their attacker
- Murdaugh blamed the boating accident in Beaufort, SC for the reason for the murders
- Unknown tire tracks found at the scene
- READ MORE: 1st officer: Alex Murdaugh didn’t cry over dead wife and son
DAY 1 – 1/25/23
Lead prosecutor Creighton Waters delivers the opening statement for the State, followed by Alex Murdaugh’s defense attorney Dick Harpootlian.
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Jury is Seated
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Prosecution Opening Statement
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Defense Opening Statement
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial starts with cellphones, bullets
- WATCH: Motions Hearing in Alex Murdaugh Trial
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Attorneys Question Ballistics Expert
- WATCH: Significance of the “Second Snapchat” Video
- READ MORE: Prosecutors, defense argue guns, bad acts in Murdaugh trial
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Jury Selection is Underway
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: S.C. Attorney Talks Murdaugh Team
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Approximately 60 Jurors Qualified
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders: Expert Breaks Down Blood Spatter Evidence
- WATCH: Murdaugh Family Murders Jury Selection: Day 1
- READ MORE: Alex Murdaugh goes on trial in 2021 killings of wife, son
Field producer Tiffany Smith, documentary producer Emily Kean, Crime & Justice Correspondent Matt Johnson and digital content manager Ivy Brown contributed to this report.
VIDEO EVIDENCE (Most Recent First)
Alex Murdaugh Police Interview #2
Investigators Find Bullet Boxes in Trash
Bodycam Footage at Crime Scene #2
Alex Murdaugh’s Birthday Video
Paul Murdaugh’s Cell Phone Video Before Killings
Snapchat Video Shows Murdaugh in Different Clothes Day of Murders
Alex Murdaugh Interrogation Video #1
Bodycam of Murdaugh Crime Scene #1