Father testifies for daughter charged with murdering baby

Posted at 2:48 PM, September 10, 2019 and last updated 8:29 PM, July 17, 2023

LEBANON, Ohio (AP) — The father of a young woman on trial for murder in southwest Ohio says she would never hurt anyone.

Scott Richardson testified Tuesday as the defense began its case for 20-year-old Brooke Skylar Richardson. Prosecutors say she killed and buried her unwanted baby daughter after hiding her pregnancy.

Richardson was arrested after a second police interview. Her father said he regretted not having an attorney there for her.

Voice cracking, he said she “would never hurt another living human being — let alone a baby.”

He said he was surprised to learn she had been pregnant. He testified he and his wife would’ve been shocked and angry, but would have accepted the baby into the family.

Defense attorneys have said the baby was stillborn. Remains were found in July 2017.

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