Latest Crime & Trial News

A man and woman in jail uniforms and face masks sit in court
Maya Kowalski on the stand
Alex Murdaugh
Lori Ann Phillips testifies
sketch shows Kaitlin Armstrong entering court
Harry and Meghan in Oct. 2023.
Judge Frances Gull sits on the bench
Young Thug is seen at a hearing in Atlanta on Dec. 22, 2022
Meredith Moon appears in court
Samantha Woll
booking photo of Tiffanie Lucas
photo of Richard Paul Rodriguez
Codi and Cory Bigsby combo image
Charles Adelson listens to the verdict
Richard Allen, wearing a bullet proof vest and yellow jumpsuit, appeared in court
A man in blue jail issued clothing leans back in a chair in court
alex murdaugh testifies
Charlie Adelson puts his head in his hands
former President Donald Trump wears a blue suit and tie as he sits in a NY courtroom
Heather Pressdee
Charles Adelson listens to the verdict
Charlie Adelson testifies in court
Kouri Richins sits in court at her counsel table.
Jose Baez stands with his client Shanna Gardner