Trial Archives

The home of high-profile trial coverage for decades, including the infamous cases of O.J. Simpson, the Menendez brothers and Casey Anthony.

Edward Glavin testifies in court
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A man addresses the jury
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Wayne Amadure testifies in court.
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A man testifies in court
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Judge presides over courtroom
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A man testifies in court
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A man points to a poster in court
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A man testifies in court
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Frank Amadure Jr testifies in court
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screen shows video editing with a man talking
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Michael Amedure testifies in court
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Frank Amedure Sr covers his face with his hand
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A woman testifies in court
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Wayne Amedure holds papers on the witness stand
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A woman testifies in court
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A man testifies in court
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A woman testifies in court
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A man testifies in court
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A man testifies in court
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Judge presides over courtroom
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Attorneys stand in court
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A man testifies in court
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A man testifies in court
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Park Dietz testifies in court
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A man testifies in court
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Michael Baden testifies
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A judge speaks from the bench
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An attorney addresses the court from a podium
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A woman holds a tissue to her face
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