Trial Archives

The home of high-profile trial coverage for decades, including the infamous cases of O.J. Simpson, the Menendez brothers and Casey Anthony.

an attorney shows evidence to the jury
Two men show evidence to the jury
A woman cries while testifying in court
A man looks at a photo through a magnifying glass.
surveillance photo shows a man with a baseball cap
photo shows a person on a ladder
A still from surveillance video shows someone bent over
A woman sits in court
A man in a suit testifies in court
A woman testifies in court
A woman testifies in court
An attorney addresses the court
A woman holds up a photo for the jury
A man in a suit testifies in court
A woman testifies in court
A man in a suit testifies in court
a woman holds her hands folded under her chin on the witness stand
A woman testifies in court
A man testifies in court

82-NC v. Peterson: Steve Lyons

U.S. Army Special Investigator Steve Lyons, who investigated Elizabeth Ratliff's death, takes the stand in Michael Peterson's murder trial. More

May 4, 2020

A woman testifies in court
A blonde woman testifies in court
A woman testifies in court.
A man in light suit and blue tie testifies in court
A man testifies in court
A woman shows evidence to the jury
A woman testifies in court
Michael Peterson leans back in court
A woman testifies in court
A woman testifies in court