Trial Archives

The home of high-profile trial coverage for decades, including the infamous cases of O.J. Simpson, the Menendez brothers and Casey Anthony.

split screen showing casey anthony on jailhouse call
casey and cindy anthony speak on a jailhouse call
split screen shows casey and lee anthony on a jailhouse call
Judge Belvin Perry presides over the courtroom
split screen of george and casey anthony on the phone in jail
split screen shows Cindy and Casey Anthony on the phone in jail
A woman testifies in court
A woman looks at a piece of paper
An attorney holds up evidence for the jury
crime scene investigator testifies
A woman looks at an envelope on the witness stand
A witness holds evidence

38-FL v. Anthony: Michael Vincent

Orange County Sheriff's Office crime scene unit assistant supervisor Michael Vincent takes the stand in Casey Anthony's murder trial. More

July 21, 2020

A witness speaks into a microphone
Casey Anthony sits behind computer screens
Jose Baez speaks from a podium
A witness holds a box of evidence on the witness stand
A deputy testifies in court.
A woman testifies in court
A photograph shows Casey Anthony holding an electric guitar, sitting next to Caylee Anthony.
A man in a light jacket testifies in court
A man speaks into the microphone from the witness stand
Casey Anthony sits behind computer monitors in court
photo shows crime scene tape and wooded area

48-FL v. Anthony: Jennifer Welch

CSI Jennifer Welch takes the stand in Casey Anthony's murder trial. The jury sees photos from where Caylee Anthony's body was found. More

July 21, 2020

a photo shows crime scene tape at the spot where Caylee Anthony's body was found
A man in a suit testifies in court.
A makeshift memorial shows the site where Caylee Anthony's body was found.
A woman sits on the witness stand as a large bag of evidence is on the table
Anthony Warren testifies in court.
A woman testifies in court.
Dr. Neal Haskell testifies in court.