Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

combo image of tammie lies and gary ridgway
Michelle Troconis stands in court
Franklin Tucker speaks to the camera

Treehouse Murder Trial: Day 7 Recap

After being scolded for not having his witnesses ready, Franklin Tucker complained about how the judge and prosecutor were handling his case. More

January 22, 2024

attorney dan rashbaum appears on the surviving the survivors podcast
Split screen of shanda vander ark and matt roberts
split screen of shanda vander ark and doctor
split screen of shanda vander ark and a blonde woman
Prosecutor stands at a lectern in court
Richard Allen, wearing a bullet proof vest and yellow jumpsuit, appeared in court
Franklin Tucker stands in court
Shanda Vander Ark on the stand.
Surveillance video shown in court
Booking photo of Trinity Poague
Splitscreen: james Crumbley, Jennifer Crumbley, and Court TV guest analyst Philip Dube.
Defense Attorney Jeff Laybourne delivers opening statement
Prosecutor Felicia Easter delivers opening statements
Donna Adelson appears in court via Zoom at her case management hearing.

Donna Adelson Speaks in Court

Donna Adelson testifies that her defense attorney, Daniel Rashbaum, will not present a conflict of interest for her. More

January 22, 2024

Michelle Troconis sits in court
people stand inside court
Alec Baldwin holds a gun
Photo of Franklin Tucker and Paula Belmonte
split screen of two mens photos
Michelle Troconis in court
Julie Grant

Bringing Focus Back to the Victims

In Julie Grant’s opening statement spotlight, she reminds us to always remember who matters the most in every trial…the victims. More

January 19, 2024

Alec Baldwin sits with police
Paula Belmonte testifies from her hospital bed via Zoom.
Scott Peterson holds up Laci Peterson fliers.