Murder & Mayhem

Delve into the chilling realm of crime, where murder, mystery and chaos reign, and the ultimate battle for justice that follows.

split screen of defense and prosecutor delivering closing arguments
Prosecutor holds up picture of Grizelda and Dominic Hernandez.
Defense attorney J. Eduardo
Sarah Turney testifies in court
Prosecutor holds up Baby Dominic's Baby Yoda tee shirt.
Defense attorney Jamie Jackson
Willard Chaiden Miller listens to sentencing
Nohema Graber's brother in law delivers a victim impact statement
Prosecutor Vince Imbordino
Willard Chaiden Miller addresses the court
Jeremy Goodale and his attorney are seeing talking to police in an interview room.
Detective Raimundo Dhani Garcia testifies in the Burgos case.
cleotha absto and eliza fletcher
still from video showing the police interrogation of Willard Chaiden Miller
evidence photo of ashley benefield shown in court
stephanie murphy testifies during ashley benefield hearing
stephanie murphy testifies during ashley benefield hearing
Tommie Benefield, cousin of victim Douglas Benefield, testified during an immunity hearing
Jewell Parchman Langford photo
courtney clenney's attorneys speak to julie grant
Ashley Benefield stands in court with her attorney
Alexee Traviso is seen on surveillance video running down a hospital hallway.
Exterior sign of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Closeup of hands in shackles

Analyzing Parents Who Kill

As Chad Doerman appears in court, a closer look at high-profile cases where parents were convicted of murdering their children. More

July 5, 2023

Chad Doerman stands in a green shirt in a still frame from bodycamera video
Detective Raimundo Garcia testifies to text messages shown on the screen
Split screen. Left shows Raymond Anthony Burgos-Aviles sitting with his hand to his face at the counsel table in court, right shows detective Raimundo Dhani Garcia testifying.
Victim Alissa Turney holds a kitten.
Chad Doerman cries in court
Chad Doerman at a July 5 pretrial hearing.