Cold Cases

The worst fear of any case is becoming cold. Cold cases refer to the crimes that remain unsolved for weeks, years or even decades.

Nichole Rice in court
side by side of female defendant and female witness testifying in court
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splitscreen: lawyer questions a witness while seated/witness on the stand has a mustache and goatee
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Crime Scene Walkthrough
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guy with spiky grey hair and glasses testifies
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Woman with longish gray hair does NOT look happy to be on the stand.
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Splitscreen: Elderly man on the witness stand/blonde female defendant watches in court
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Sharon Knutson
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Nichole Rice
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David Swift Charges Dismissed
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After the jury told the court they were hung, they were instructed to continue deliberations and later returned with a verdict. David Swift was charged with the murder of his wife, Karen Swift.
Nichole Rice
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news anchor reports on a murder case
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photo of three boys
Tanya Zuvers gives testimony
photo of three boys
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3 little boys in camo, they look like brothers
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Det. Brewer recalled a conversation in which John Skelton said he HAD to find Mose Gingrich because Gingrich had taken his 3 sons.
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Split screen: grey-haired male, grey-haired female in court
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Andrew, Tanner and Alexander Skelton
Buster Murdaugh, the son of Alex Murdaugh, listens as Alex Murdaugh's verdict is read
head on and profile mugshots of a grey-haired woman in a green and white striped prison jumper.
photo of young girl
photo of little girl
photo of young girl beauty queen
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side by side of 3 boys
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young girl smiling in a pageant
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Smiling girl with blonde curly hair, JonBenet Ramsey
Forensic artists' facial reconstruction of the skull of a little girl.
splitscreen of a child's pink dress and a forensic artist's rendition of a little girl based on CT scan images.
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